Friday, April 6, 2012

Fun Factoid Friday!

Wow, are we really here again? Seems this week flew by. At least to me. Not sure why, I haven't heard a word back from any agents/editors/or you'd think my nails would be down the quick now..but they're not. I actually survived. How 'bout that? *wink*

So without further ado...what you've all been salivating all week for, fun factoid friday!! Woo hoo!! *snort*

1. There's a Hello Kitty-themed hospital in Taiwan...

Okay, I live in Hawaii where Hello Kitty is as popular as Mickey Mouse is back on the mainland. I'm sorry though, that's just kind of creepy!

2. Smelling bananas and/or green apples (smelling, not eating) can help you lose weight!

You mean all those years I've been slaving away at the gym has been for nothing?! All I needed to do was sniff a banana? I *sniff* a conspiracy theory, evil gym memberships of the world!!

3. And because I love y'all, I'm gonna share something pretty cool. If you've been living under a rock like me and knew nothing about this blog until just recently, go check it out. It's called Mrs. Snark's first victim...she's hosting a contest on Monday called Secret Agent Search, something or other..anyway be one of the first 50 people to upload the first 250 words of your completed ms. A secret agent will be trolling that site (in fact rumor is, sometimes someone other than the slotted secret agent is trolling). She's becoming increasingly popular with these agent searches, quite a number of writers have gone on to sign with agents, EVEN those who don't win the contest. Take a gander at her website and read what others say. Trust me, it's worth the visit!

Have a great weekend all!

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