Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Oh my!

Love unexpected surprises. I'm just sitting here, minding my own business, writing a club scene with Alex and his girl and then a secondary character comes into play. He wasn't supposed to be anything, he was just supposed to blend into the shadows, be someone used to help further along the plot and then fade away as good secondary characters sometimes do...

But he's not.

Oh no...

This man is hotness to the nth degree.

His name's Tor. He's from Norway. He's in a band. He's a tall, blond Viking throwback... he's GORGEOUS. A tattoo artist, he's also part of a band that plays medieval viking music... he's sooooooo yummmmyyyy!!

I know who the third book in this series is gonna be about. ;) Just wait till y'all meet him, I think you're going to absolutely swoon like I have.

Hooray for characters that become more than what they were! :D Gotta love muses, they can throw you the wildest curveballs sometimes.

Happy reading!


Cassandra said...

Even though he looks too young for me, feel free to send him to my house :) I could use and handy man (emphasis on handy :) ) Oh, wait did I say that out loud :) I <3 you and your blog posts :) They make me smile :)

Unknown said...

Cassandra I could say I don't share my men, but I guess I sorta do. :p and actually the model is much older now. He's the guy from the show Vikings. I don't care how he comes though, he's just so pretty to look at. ;)

Cassandra said...

Completely agree on the not sharing thing unless it is virtually or bookishly :D I haven't seen that show :( What channel is it on? I'll look for it if there is eye candy =)

Unknown said...

I think it's on the history channel and oh my are they yummy! ;)

Unknown said...

Sounds like a yummy new addition ;)

Unknown said...

And how! ;)