Thursday, July 10, 2014

Summer Giveaway #11

And the winner of #10 is...

Ashley Lovell!

Congrats, you've won an autographed copy of Death's Redemption along with a Big Bad Wolf charm necklace! Make sure to write to and let her know you're the Summer Giveaway #10. :)

It is so cool getting to know all you guys, so I'm going with the same sort of questions. :)  If you could go back in time to visit a writer, who would it be? Me, Jane Austen absolutely. Today you'll be winning an autographed copy of All Hallows Night along with a Silver Mad Hatter top hat charm necklace.


Unknown said...

I would love to meet Mr J.R Tolkien. If I had to pick only one. :)

Unknown said...

Definitely Shakespeare hands down!

Unknown said...

And thank you!!! I'm so excited! Plus it couldn't have came on a better day since today is my bday!!! :)

stepholland said...

Poe or Shakespeare

Unknown said...

H.G Wells, fell in love with The Time Machine.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

If I had to pick one it would probably be Jane Austen, despite the fact that I have never even read pride and prejudice but I can take and pass a quiz on it..

Lacquered Lawyer said...

Roald Dahl. He was a favorite of mine growing up. His children's books were a bit dark and twisted, but I liked that they were so different.

Unknown said...

I would have to say Jane Austen. I would love to meet the woman who created Mr. Darcy<3

Stephanie Grelli

Unknown said...

Jane Austen definitely. I love the time she lived in and how she wrote. I convinced my class to study 'Northanger Abbey' for GCSE English.

Unknown said...

Charles dickens. Hands down :)

Unknown said...

Charlotte Bronte, I love the dark elements in her stories.

Unknown said...

I would love to meet Honore de Balzac

Shima said...

I would love to meet Emily Brontë!

Black Mamba said...

No contest... Poe.

Stephanie said...

I'd probably pick Poe, too. Thanks for the opportunity. Love your books.

Unknown said...

Robert Frost. I've always loved his work. :)

Unknown said...

Charlotte Bronte.... hands down.....

Unknown said...

Jane Austen or Edgar Allen Poe or Jules Vern

Unknown said...

I would love to meet Louisa May Alcot

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Jaci Mitchell said...


Unknown said...

Lewis Carroll

Unknown said...

Jane Austen and Poe

Unknown said...

I'm going way back and on a crazy limb here and gonna say whoever first wrote down Beowulf. I absolutely love that story and would like to know the circumstances that led to them wanting to write it down. Or Edgar Allen Poe. The man was a brilliant storyteller.

Unknown said...

I would love to meet H.G. Wells.

Cherri said...

oh if I could back in time I would love to visit with either C.S. Lewis - LOVE LOVE LOVE the Chronicles of Narnia series - or JRR Tolkien - I also love the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings novels and would love to talk to both for their inspirations for their stories! They are all timeless novels!

Julia Gutierrez Spilman said...

I'd love to meet Mary Shelley and Bernie Wrightson, the authors of Frankenstein. :)

Maggie said...

As amazing as it would be to meet with Shakespeare, Poe, or any of the greats. I'd want to go back when the bible was being written. Not that I would consider myself a religious person. I just want to see who and why they wrote it. The start of it ect.

Unknown said...

Beatrix Potter...I loved her books when I was little and I still enjoy them now when I'm reading them to my girls

Unknown said...

Dr. Seuss :)

Katyhin said...

Daphne Du Maurier, although if I could have a dinner party with her and the Brontë's that would be amazing!

Rou the Fledermaus said...

I'd have to say Poe. I've always been fascinated by him. If not him then Lewis Carroll :)

Unknown said...

I would love to meet William Shakespeare. There are plenty of questions I must ask about Ophelia and Romeo and Juliet. I also want to meet with Poe.

Unknown said...

I would love to meet William Shakespeare. I must know a couple of things about Romeo and Juliet.

Unknown said...

I'd love to meet Lewis Carroll

Unknown said...

Mark Twain

Brandy Miller said...

Ernest Hemmingway, over several pints, in a pub, flirting shamelessly.

Mary Preston said...

I think it would have to be Charles Dickens. I love his sense of humor & he wrote about the seamier side of life, which is a side a lot of writers shunned.

Unknown said...

Hard question, there's so many! But if it was only one it would be Jules Verne; my first taste of science fiction/fantasy and I was an instant addict :-)

Anonymous said...

A.A Milne :) He filled my childhood (whisper..cough..adulthood too :P ) with happiness and laughter!

And Happy Birthday!!!

Unknown said...

C. S. Lewis seeing Narnia.

Unknown said...

Ooh...thats a hard one but I would have to go with Charlotte Bronte

Unknown said...

For me it would be Edgar Allen Poe, he seems like he would have an interesting mind.

Unknown said...

I would have to go with Charlotte Bronte. Jane Eyre shaped so much of my teenage years. Bonus if I could meet her sisters as well. How do you get so much talent in one family? ^_^

Angie said...

I would like to meet Dante Alighieri:)

Unknown said...

I would love to meet Lewis Carroll or JM Barrie x

Anonymous said...

Edgar Allan Poe! I love his dark crazy and poetic writings. Would love to see how he was in person!

erika dodd said...
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erika dodd said...
